Introducing Mystro Majors 3.0
These upgraded, over the ear headphones are the big brother of the Mystro Earbuds, our fastest selling product in Mystech history. By popular demand, we are now offering this studio-quality audio device, imprinted to 432Hz and providing the same revolutionary 432Hz Resonance Filter effect.
What if we've been listening to music all wrong?
In 1953, the musical standard (ISO 16) was set to 440Hz. This adoption of 440Hz and abandonment of 432Hz led to the loss of a fundamental harmonic aspect of Muse-ic. While studies have shown 440Hz causes agitation in the brain, 432Hz has substantial healing benefits known to ancient civilizations and modern-day Musical Healers.
Using our Resonance Technology we have created a way to filter 440Hz Music back to 432Hz. The goal? Inspiration, emotional connection, and a deep sensation of the true magic of music.
A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.
— Brian T. Collins, Attuned Vibrations
A growing number of people around the world are learning about the auspicious harmony of 432Hz. Thanks to films like Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form and organizations like The Schiller Institute, the scientific pitch 432Hz A is steadily growing in popularity...
...the simple pleasure of listening to 432Hz music provides us with a direct, felt sense of its potency...
...to align with the natural world and cultivate greater resonance with the cosmos, listening to music in A=432Hz is instrumental. — Source Vibrations
Feel the Frequency — put the Muse back in Music!
Up to 6 months (180 days) from date of delivery — Full replacement
After 6 months — $200 replacement fee